Enhancing resilience in distributed networks in the face of malicious agents is an important problem for which many key theoretical results and applications require further development and characterization. This work focuses on the problem of distributed optimization in multi-agent cyberphysical systems, where a legitimate agent's dynamic is influenced both by the values it receives from potentially malicious neighboring agents, and by its own self-serving target function. We develop a new algorithmic and analytical framework to achieve resilience for the class of problems where stochastic values of trust between agents exist and can be exploited. In this case we show that convergence to the true global optimal point can be recovered, both in mean and almost surely, even in the presence of malicious agents. Furthermore, we provide expected convergence rate guarantees in the form of upper bounds on the expected squared distance to the optimal value. Finally, we present numerical results that validate the analytical convergence guarantees we present in this paper even when the malicious agents compose the majority of agents in the network.
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高维模型通常具有较大的内存足迹,必须在训练后进行量化,然后将其部署在资源受限的边缘设备上以进行推理任务。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个信息理论框架,用于量化从训练数据$(\ mathbf {x},\ mathbf {y})$的线性回归剂的问题,用于某些基本统计关系$ \ mathbf {y} = \ Mathbf {X} \ BoldSymbol {\ Theta} + \ Mathbf {V} $。博学的模型是对潜在参数$ \ boldsymbol {\ theta} \ in \ mathbb {r}^d $的估计值,仅使用$ bd $ bits来代表,其中$ b \ in(0,in 0,0,in(0) \ infty)$是预先指定的预算,$ d $是维度。在此设置下,我们为Minimax风险提供了信息理论的下限,并建议使用基于嵌入的算法进行匹配的上限,该算法紧密到恒定因素。上限和上限共同表征了达到与未量化设置相当的性能风险所需的最小阈值位预算。我们还提出了在计算上有效且最佳的随机hadamard嵌入到下限的轻度对数因子。我们的模型量化策略可以概括,我们通过将方法和上限扩展到两层relu神经网络以进行非线性回归来显示其功效。数值模拟表明,我们提出的方案的性能得到改善,以及其与下限的亲密关系。
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我们在限制下研究了一阶优化算法,即使用每个维度的$ r $ bits预算进行量化下降方向,其中$ r \ in(0,\ infty)$。我们提出了具有收敛速率的计算有效优化算法,与信息理论性能匹配:(i):(i)具有访问精确梯度甲骨文的平稳且强烈的符合目标,以及(ii)一般凸面和非平滑目标访问嘈杂的亚级别甲骨文。这些算法的关键是一种多项式复杂源编码方案,它在量化它之前将矢量嵌入随机子空间中。这些嵌入使得具有很高的概率,它们沿着转换空间的任何规范方向的投影很小。结果,量化这些嵌入,然后对原始空间进行逆变换产生一种源编码方法,具有最佳的覆盖效率,同时仅利用每个维度的$ r $ bits。我们的算法保证了位预算$ r $的任意值的最佳性,其中包括次线性预算制度($ r <1 $),以及高预算制度($ r \ geq 1 $),虽然需要$ o \ left(n^2 \右)$乘法,其中$ n $是尺寸。我们还提出了使用Hadamard子空间对这种编码方案的有效放松扩展以显着提高梯度稀疏方案的性能。数值模拟验证我们的理论主张。我们的实现可在https://github.com/rajarshisaha95/distoptconstrocncomm上获得。
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传统上依赖于时间序列推断的方法的设计统计模型,其描述了所需期望序列和观察到的序列之间的关系。已经得出了广泛的基于模型的算法,以使用表示基础分布的因子图上的递归计算来实现可控复杂性的推断。替代模型 - 不可知方法利用机器学习(ML)方法。在这里,我们提出了一个框架,它将基于模型的算法和数据驱动ML工具组合起来的静止时间序列。在所提出的方法中,开发了神经网络以分别学习描述时间序列分布的因子图的特定组件,而不是完全推理任务。通过利用该分布的静止性质,可以将所得方法应用于不同时间持续时间的序列。学习的因子图可以使用紧凑的神经网络来实现使用小型训练集的培训,或者可选地用于改进现有的深度推理系统。我们介绍了一种基于学习的静止因子图的推理算法,其学习从标记数据实现总和 - 产品方案,并且可以应用于不同长度的序列。我们的实验结果表明了所提出的学习因素图表学习从睡眠级数据集进行睡眠阶段检测的小型训练集的精确推断的能力,以及与未知通道的数字通信中的符号检测。
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In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has become increasingly successful in its application to science and the process of scientific discovery in general. However, while RL algorithms learn to solve increasingly complex problems, interpreting the solutions they provide becomes ever more challenging. In this work, we gain insights into an RL agent's learned behavior through a post-hoc analysis based on sequence mining and clustering. Specifically, frequent and compact subroutines, used by the agent to solve a given task, are distilled as gadgets and then grouped by various metrics. This process of gadget discovery develops in three stages: First, we use an RL agent to generate data, then, we employ a mining algorithm to extract gadgets and finally, the obtained gadgets are grouped by a density-based clustering algorithm. We demonstrate our method by applying it to two quantum-inspired RL environments. First, we consider simulated quantum optics experiments for the design of high-dimensional multipartite entangled states where the algorithm finds gadgets that correspond to modern interferometer setups. Second, we consider a circuit-based quantum computing environment where the algorithm discovers various gadgets for quantum information processing, such as quantum teleportation. This approach for analyzing the policy of a learned agent is agent and environment agnostic and can yield interesting insights into any agent's policy.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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我们为对抗性多机器人群众跨任务中的决策制定开发了一个有弹性的二进制假设测试框架。该框架利用机器人之间的随机信任观察,以在集中式融合中心(FC)中得出可进行的弹性决策,即使I)在网络中存在恶意机器人,其数量可能大于合法机器人的数量,并且II )FC使用所有机器人的一次性噪声测量。我们得出两种算法来实现这一目标。第一个是两个阶段方法(2SA),该方法基于收到的信任观察估算机器人的合法性,并证明在最严重的恶意攻击中可最大程度地减少检测错误的可能性。在这里,恶意机器人的比例是已知但任意的。对于不明的恶意机器人,我们开发了对抗性的广义似然比测试(A-GLRT),该测试(A-GLRT)都使用报告的机器人测量和信任观察来估计机器人的可信赖性,其报告策略以及同时的正确假设。我们利用特殊的问题结构表明,尽管有几个未知的问题参数,但这种方法仍然可以计算处理。我们在硬件实验中部署了这两种算法,其中一组机器人会在模拟道路网络上进行交通状况的人群,但仍会受到SYBIL攻击的方式。我们从实际通信信号中提取每个机器人的信任观察结果,这些信号提供有关发件人独特性的统计信息。我们表明,即使恶意机器人在大多数情况下,FC也可以将检测误差的可能性降低到2SA和A-GLRT的30.5%和29%。
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子格式微型航空车(MAV)中的准确而敏捷的轨迹跟踪是具有挑战性的,因为机器人的小规模会引起大型模型不确定性,要求强大的反馈控制器,而快速的动力学和计算约束则阻止了计算上昂贵的策略的部署。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种在MIT SoftFly(一个子)MAV(0.7克)上进行敏捷和计算有效轨迹跟踪的方法。我们的策略采用了级联的控制方案,在该方案中,自适应态度控制器与受过训练的神经网络政策相结合,以模仿轨迹跟踪可靠的管模型模型预测控制器(RTMPC)。神经网络政策是使用我们最近的工作获得的,这使该政策能够保留RTMPC的稳健性,但以其计算成本的一小部分。我们通过实验评估我们的方法,即使在更具挑战性的操作中,达到均方根误差也低于1.8 cm,与我们先前的工作相比,最大位置误差减少了60%,并证明了对大型外部干扰的稳健性
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